In terms of solid waste management (SWM), Ivory Coast is facing a dual challenge: (i) environmental, health and social challenge (the mismanagement of an increasing quantity of waste impacts the environment, public health and conditions of living); (ii) financial challenge (resources, mainly coming from taxes and levies collected by the Directorate General of Taxes or the Compagnie Ivoirienne de l’Electricité, are insufficient to cover the cost of efficient management). SWM is now largely centralized with ANAGED responsible for regulating and financing the entire cycle in the country. As often, a plurality of other public or private actors, often informal, intervene. An environmentally sound and economically sustainable SWM is now a priority in the implementation of national development policies moving towards emergence. Phœnix and Artelia are tasked by MINASS with developing a sustainable and viable financing mechanism for the sector and defining its institutional, legal and technical implications. Innovative proposals such as the introduction of eco-taxes and the identification of viable recovery and recycling channels are expected.